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10 years from Ayotzinapa
The Ayotzinapa case from 2014 is a huge and unforgettable scar in Mexican history. The disappearance of 43 students, allegedly under a shield of state defense forces, shows unprecedentedly in plain sight the cooperation between politicians, state forces, businessmen, and organized crime. In September 2024, I documented a violent demonstration in Mexico City to commemorate 10-year anniversary of this painful event.

Santa Muerte in Mexico
Mexico is the cradle of the belief in Santa Muerte. The unconventional saint in the form of a grim reaper is considered the patron saint of narcotraffickers and criminals of all kinds. I'm documenting her worshippers and everything surrounding this cult as a long-term project.

Havana Tattoo Lovers
In 2016, I had the opportunity to get a glimpse into the tattoo scene in Cuba just before Fidel Castro's death.

Disaster: Hurrican Otis destroyed Acapulco
Hurricane Otis in 2023 has left behind irreversible consequences. I went to the site to document the devastated harbor just three days after the disaster, when it was still nearly inaccessible.

Pomuch: Where the living meet the dead
In an otherwise unassuming village in the north of Yucatán, the local people maintain an ancient Mayan tradition. On the Day of the Dead, they pull the remains of their loved ones from their graves to cleanse them and leave them on display during the celebration. I was documenting this unique tradition during the 2020 COVID pandemic.

American dream splitted up by a boarderline fence
The Friendship Park around the border fence between Tijuana and San Diego has long been a rare place where people from both sides of the border could meet and spend some time together. I photographed this place in late 2017, shortly before its definitive closure by the U.S. administration.

Lost paradise in Oaxaca
Laguna Chacahua was the first place I visited in Mexico on my first visit in 2016. It instantly got close to my heart and I have returned every year since. Although it's now a sought-after place and suffers under the onslaught of tourists, I can still remember it as it used to be when hardly anyone knew it, thanks to my annalog memories.
